Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let's Try This Again

So I'm going to try to be more consistent with this. Hopefully I will stick with blogging this go around. I read some other blogs and I'm really encouraged by things I read about other people learning and growing in their faith. I love seeing what God is doing in other people's lives. Hopefully by writing about my walk with the Lord people will also be encouraged by what I have learned and experienced. This will also enable me to look back and see what all God has done in my life.

God is so big and does so much for me but I take so much for granted and forget about how awesome God really is. I have been learning so much and I want to keep learning, not get caught up in the world. I need to constantly be aware of God's presence in my life and know that He has the best plan for my life. I might not like everything that happens but God has a purpose for everything that happens. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28

It is so easy to get wrapped up in thoughts such as "My life isn't fair, why did this happen to me, if only my situation was different,..." But we have to suffer and go through our own life as God has planned. We can't see what the purpose for all of life's situations and directions, only God can. We just have to trust God and believe that He knows what's best and really does have a perfect plan for our lives.

We don't want to give up control of our lives because we think it's "risky". Is it really risky? Is it really risky to put our lives in the hands of God who loves us so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins? No. That is the safest way too go. We just want to do everything by ourselves! Well, newsflash, our faith is not even our own. God chose us and gave us our faith. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." -Ephesians 2:8

Salvation is not accomplished by me. I'm not saved because I pursued God, but because God pursued me! That is crazy! Why would God want me? What do I have to offer God? Nothing, God doesn't need us for anything, for some crazy reason he wants us! We are sinful and our acts of righteousness are nothing but filthy rags, but he loves us and pursues us. So why are we so tentative to give Him everything? We should be asking, begging, for God to want us and to use us for His glory! Why don't I live life like this?

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