Saturday, February 20, 2010

DG Bible Study

Have you completely yielded your dating relationships and future to God? If not, why not?

No. It's difficult to completely put my faith/trust in God. I like to feel in control and I think I know what's best even through I should know that God has the best plan for my life. It seems like I come to God only when things aren't going good and things get rough or too serious in my relationships or life in general. I need to try much harder to put God first in all that I do, which I haven't done much of. I get too wrapped up in my life to take time to put God first or even pray. I find it even harder to put God first in a relationship. My boyfriend is always on my mind, I think of ways to make my boyfriend happy, I want to make my boyfriend feel special, and I spend all the time I can with my boyfriend. I do all of this, but it is God that should be first. How do I do this? It's easy to say that God needs to be first in all that you do, but how do you do that?

"You shouldn't be concerned as much with finding the right person as you are with being the right person."

Where do you need to grow in order to "be the right person"?

I need to be less concerned with my wants and place others before me. I need to take time to appreciate what I have and how blessed I am. I need to be more compromising. I need to work on my communication. I need to build a stronger relationship with God. I need to go out of my way to make others feel special and appreciated. I need to be more serving. Basically, I need to be more like God.

What is one step you can take this week to sharpen your character?

I can do more for others so that they know I care about them. I will also continue to pray to do God's will and have the strength to do what God wants me to do. This is a struggle for me because I like my independence and I like to be in control.