Monday, December 22, 2008

Trail of Lights


Corbin (my brother's second child) was born December 16th.

Today was a good day!

I went to Jennifer's house to make Chad's pillow. I'm definately not a seamstess! I jammed the sewing machine twice! Jennifer's grandmother helped me measure the material, showed me how to use the sewing machine, and told me how to make the pillow case. The pillow turned out really nice and later when I got home I hand stitched a heart in a corner. It's made out of fleece so it's really soft and comfy! I also made a fleece blanket to go with the pillow.
Tonight my Nana and Aunt Martha came over to eat lasagna with my mom, Jayme, Uncle Al, Aunt Pam, and me. Uncle Al, Aunt Pam, and their dog are staying at my house for a couple of days to visit before they return to their family for Christmas. We exchanged a few gifts and I got a North Texas hoodie! Afterwards we went to 37th street to see the Christmas lights.