Friday, March 5, 2010

DG Bible Study 3

God's Love

"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

This is so powerful and mind blowing! I see and hear this verse often but I don't always stop and think about it. His Son lived the perfect life, free from sin, so that he could take EVERYONE'S punishment for their sin back then, now, and forever to come. It is hard to imagine any father letting his son die and especially suffering so much. I can't picture my parents doing this to me and I wouldn't be able to do the same for my children. This shows how vast God's love is for me and everyone else. I'm so thankful for this! I know I sin and I don't deserve the grace that I've been given. God could have easily decided to punish all our sins and deny access to Heaven but He leaves the doors open under one condition:

"that if you confess with you mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

I don't have to worry if I'm "good enough." I'm not "graded" on the number of good deeds I do or how often I sin. God loves me for who I am, God loves me even when I pull away from him, He loves me unconditionally and more than anyone else can or will. I can know that I have a spot in Heaven waiting for me and that makes me so excited!

DG Bible Study 2

Is the foundation of your faith in God strong enough to withstand the storms of life that will inevitably come?

Not at all like Job, who even after his house, animals, possessions, money, and children were taken from him, he was still able to remain faithful to God. I would probably respond like his wife, who didn't remain faithful to God, if I had to endure anything close to that of Job and his family. I feel like my foundation has slowly been deteriorating or wasn't much to begin with. I'm struggling with building a strong foundation and completely putting my faith in God. Unfortunately I usually turn to Him last.

What am I doing to build on my foundation?

I've been going to The Village Church, DG Bible Study, and my lifegroup when I can. Occasionally I have read my bible and pray, I'm working on this but I'm not as often as I should. I keep telling myself that I need to work at it, but I always put other things 1st that are of less importance or out of selfishness. I need to read more often. I need to pray and simply spend more time getting to know God on a more personal level, like a best friend.

What is one new thing you'll begin doing this week to further strengthen your faith?

SPEND TIME! Pray and read. I also want to start going to Axcess again.